Things to know about Breast Reduction Surgery or Reduction Mammoplasty

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2022-09-23 05:30 AM | By Tamira Scientific Committee
Things to know about Breast Reduction Surgery or Reduction Mammoplasty

Breast Reduction Surgery is a surgical procedure for reducing the size of the breasts by removing excess fat and tissues. This kind of procedure also referred as reduction mammoplasty. Individuals seek breast reduction for two reasons, one being cosmetic and the other, medical. Some individuals have huge breasts that would not be proportionate to their body. This leads to enormous discomfort, pain in the neck, shoulders and back, and emotional issues. Young girls with larger breasts size such as breast hypertrophy suffer from bullying and societal pressures. On the other hand, individuals do seek breast reduction to improve their overall appearance. It is not just women but men do opt for this procedure if they suffering from conditions such as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is enlarged male breasts due to higher estrogen levels in the body which does not stay in balance with the testosterone levels. This condition can be quite embarrassing for the individuals and most patients would want a breast reduction surgery to help them lead a normal life.

Breast reduction surgery is quite a complex procedure which needs to be performed with utmost care and skill. It is important to choose the right doctor to minimize any chance of complications from the procedure. The procedure is done under general anesthesia and would require anywhere between two to five hours or more for completion of the surgery. Individuals would need complete rest for one week with no strenuous physical activity being done. Some individuals do need close to two weeks for a complete recovery from the procedure. Individuals should have a thorough consultation with the cosmetologist to understand the procedure, the side-effects, risks, recovery and results. Like in the case of any invasive procedures, breast reduction surgery does come with its own risk although it is considered a safe procedure. The risk of the procedure includes infection, bleeding, blood clots, damage to the nerves and others, although these are quite rare. Some of the common side-effects include pain in the incision site, scarring, difficulty to get the right cup-size in the beginning and others. The results of a breast reduction surgery are in most cases appealing to the patient making them more confident. It is evident that their quality of life improves making the procedure worth it for them. The breast reduction surgery before and after images available are quite impressive, helping people take a right decision for themselves. In most cases individuals get a reduction of one or two cup sizes with the procedure. To patients, the benefits of a breast reduction procedure often outweigh the risks and side-effects.

Individuals must strictly follow the post-procedural care that is suggested by the doctor. Bandages would be applied for a few days or up to one week depending on the type of bandages used. Some of these include:

  • Avoid tight bras with underwire for at least three months
  • Apply medication on the incision site and using a cotton pad on the incision site
  • Keep the suture area dry to prevent infection
  • Take ample rest and sleep with support of extra pillows as required
  • Resume walking and light physical activities after two weeks of the procedure

The cost of a breast reduction surgery in India can be anywhere between INR 40,000 to 3,00,000. Breast reduction procedures in Chennai costs between INR 70,000 to 2,00,000. The exact cost of the procedure would depend on the size of the breasts, the city and clinic of treatment, age of the patient, surgeon’s fee and post-surgical treatments if any.

Female breast reduction surgery is a commonly performed procedure in the world of cosmetic surgeries. Females have concerns with enlarged breasts that can prevent them from being able to exercise and carry on day to day activities with ease. Constant pain, shoulder grooves, headaches are just a few common daily concerns of individuals with this condition. Today, apart from surgery there are various alternatives that are marketed. Some of which include breast reduction creams and pills.

Breast reduction creams claim to help reduce the size of the breasts by 50% but there is no quality evidence for the same. Breast reduction pills are said to work well when combined with exercise and diet. However, the outcomes of both these methods are not proven enough. One can be sure that the results would not match that of a breast reduction surgery. Even if an individual gets results with breast reduction creams or pills, it could be temporary. A cosmetologist would be able to advice if creams or pills are a good alternative depending on the individual’s current state. These alternatives could work depending on how enlarged the breasts are and if surgery could be considered at a later point.

The most commonly performed reduction mammoplasty is the Wise Pattern breast reduction. This technique provides a natural shape to the breast and does not cause prominent disfigurement or scars post the procedure. This form of breast reduction has also shown greater healing and recovery which makes it one of the most common form of breast reduction procedure.

It is important to weigh the risks and benefits of a reduction mammoplasty and make a decision on the type of breast reduction procedure to be performed. A specialist in breast surgeries would be the right person to guide and assess the right treatment technique. Breast surgery is a major procedure and must be done under the care of a qualified professional.


What does mammoplasty mean?

Mammoplasty means changing the appearance of the breasts with the help of plastic surgery. In some cases, this is performed entirely for aesthetic reasons while in other cases it is done for breast reduction or correction following medical conditions. Mammoplasty can be classified into augmentation mammoplasty (increasing the breast size), reduction mammoplasty (decreasing the size), corrective mammoplasty (correcting the differences in breasts due to burns, cancer, trauma etc.).

Do breasts grow back after reduction?

The breast reduction surgery is considered a permanent procedure and would ideally last for a lifetime. However, if an individual gains excess weight, gets pregnant or is on contraceptive pills and certain other medications, might have their breasts increase in size.

How long does it take to recover from breast reduction surgery?

It can take 6 weeks to completely recover from breast reduction surgery. Patients are advised complete rest for two weeks after surgery and must take help with childcare or household activities. Patients must have to take an off from work for two to three weeks and must avoid driving till they have fully recovered.

Do you lose weight after a breast reduction?

Breast reduction procedures could help lose some weight since a lot of fat and tissues are removed. The amount of weight loss will be dependent on how much fat was removed.

Do breasts sag after a breast reduction?

Heavier breasts have the tendency to sag faster than lighter breasts. With breast reduction surgery, your breasts would sag far lesser than what it would have without the surgery. Human body undergoes changes with pregnancy, age and related factors. Hence, there can be sagging of the breasts even after surgery due to these reasons.

Should I get a breast reduction or lift?

Breast reduction and breast lift aim at two different outcomes. Breast reduction reduces the size of the breasts while breast lift aims at lifting the breasts to stay firm. In some case, a breast-lift procedure is performed along with breast reduction surgery to give better results.

Can you have 2 breast reductions?

Yes, an individual could undergo breast reduction surgery twice. The risks and complications of the procedure would be higher the second time as skin healing would be tougher. Also, the technique/s used during the first time and the techniques planned for the second time would also be a determinant for the second breast reduction surgery.

Do breast reduction creams work?

Breast reduction creams do work but have their own limitations. One might not be able to get the results with creams like they would after a reduction mammoplasty. When combined with exercises, breast reduction is considered effective and some sources do claim a 50% reduction in the breast size which is subjective.

Are there any pills for breast reduction?

There are pills available in the market for breast reduction. However, the safety, efficacy and reliability of these products is a matter of doubt since they are not approved by regulatory authorities. The results cannot be comparable to what is obtained through breast reduction surgery.

How many cup sizes can you go down with breast reduction?

With a breast reduction surgery, an individual could go down by one to two cup sizes. A doctor would help one determine their probable results post-surgery.

Will a breast reduction get rid of back fact?

Breast reduction surgeries do not cause any changes to other parts of the body. One would not be able to see reduction of back fat from undergoing a breast reduction surgery.

Can you reduce breast size without surgery?

Methods that help reduce overall body fat can also help reduce breast size. Regular exercises that strengthen the chest muscles can decrease fat content in the chest region. Dietary changes are also known to reduce the breast size. Individuals could try these techniques before deciding on a breast reduction procedure. However, if one has medical conditions that cause huge breasts there is little that can be done with exercise or food.

Does breast reduction pills work?

There is not enough evidence on whether the breast reduction pills give substantial results. Moreover, the side effects, risk and results and not proven enough to guarantee whether reduction pills work or not.

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