How Safe is Liposuction?

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2023-08-01 05:30 AM | By Tamira scientific Committee
How Safe is Liposuction?

Above all, let’s begin this article by knowing ‘what is liposuction’ and then plunge into what the associated risks are and whether or not it is safer to perform the procedure.


About Liposuction

It is an aesthetic procedure performed to remove excess fat accumulated in your body. Certainly, the subcutaneous fat lying under the dermal layer of your skin cannot be lost with a stringent diet or exercise. And that’s the reason plastic surgeons suggest this liposuction surgery.  


Most people assume this is a weight-loss procedure. But that is not true. Rather, it is a body contouring procedure and not merely fat burning. The most common area where doctors perform this procedure is the abdomen, where most people sense fat accumulation. Check out this video showing the before and after results of an abdominal fat removal surgery. The other common regions of fat removal include the flanks, thighs, arms, and back.


Steps You Must Know in a Lipo Surgery

There are three major steps involved in this cosmetic surgery.

  1. Fat cell identification: The accumulated fatty region in the liposuction patient is identified and marked.
  2. Breaking down the fat cells: The fat cells in the target region are broken down or melted with the help of either saline solution (Tumescent), vibrations (power-assisted), or heat (laser-assisted).
  3. Removal of fat cells: A thin hollow catheter or cannula needle is inserted into the target region, and the broken fat cells are sucked out of the body. 

Is Liposuction Safe

For us to analyze and deliberate on whether this procedure is safe, We must be aware of the risks of liposuction beforehand. By and large, world-renowned aestheticians claim there are no major risks associated. However, like other regular aesthetic surgeries, there are some minor risks, such as:

  • Swelling or bruising lasting for days (sometimes to a week)
  • Temporary numbness lasting for a couple of hours 
  • Irregular contouring (this can be bypassed by performing a high-definition 360-degree lipo procedure that includes tightening) 
  • Hematoma (bleeding under the skin) 


According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there are a few other risks that you need to consider before deciding, ‘how safe is liposuction?’

  • Loose skin
  • Irregular pigmentation
  • Heat burn 
  • Slow wound healing  


Otherwise, you need not worry about the safety of the procedure at all. 


How Do You Ensure 100% Safety in the Lipo Process?

Every lipo patient can ensure utmost safety in this surgery by: 

  • Consulting board-certified or accredited plastic surgeons.
  • Reaching out to the right facility with advanced tools and equipment for fat removal
  • Get a consultation from lipo-experienced doctors
  • Undergo proper eligibility tests before the surgery 


Last but not least, the most important aspect is adhering to the doctor’s before and after recommendations, such as:

  • Quit smoking for at least one to two weeks before and after the surgery
  • Wear compressed garments for two to four weeks after the surgery 
  • Pausing the anti-inflammatory medicines one week before and after the liposuction procedure
  • Rest and relax for up to four to six weeks after the surgery 
  • Avoid highly salted foods (to prevent an increase in swelling)


Consultation for Liposuction!

Tamira is a leading cosmetic healthcare center that specializes in advanced 3-in-1 fat reduction surgery. Dr. Jayanthy Ravindran, the founder of Tamira, gives proper guidance on liposuction in Chennai, insights into who is eligible for this procedure, and explains how safe is liposuction. And she makes it clear that this procedure is suitable only for marginally overweight people. And not for highly obese or overweight people. 

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