Scalp Micropigmentation – The Ultimate Solution for Hair Loss

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2022-08-27 05:30 AM | By Tamira Scientific Committee
Scalp Micropigmentation – The Ultimate Solution for Hair Loss

Many suffer in silence from hair loss – be it loss of hair on the eyebrow, patchy beard or hair loss on the scalp. It is extremely taxing on the individual’s emotional health than on physical, when it comes to hair loss. However, the times have changed and today we have solutions that can greatly help everyone. We must have heard of permanent make-up or permanent tattooing. These are technique of pigmenting the body and the results are permanent. Microblading or eyebrow pigmentation is a common procedure done in the aesthetic world. Individuals who have very thin hair and have patchy eyebrows, often opt for this solution as the ultimate answer. Microblading is a process of pigmenting the eyebrow region to give the appearance of a full and thick eyebrow. Similar to this is the scalp micropigmentation procedure. Individuals who have patchy scalp with prominent lack of hair in a particular region need not worry. Scalp micropigmentation is the technique of giving a full appearance to the scalp by way of pigmentation. It can be the best hair loss solution to many.

While there are procedures such as hair transplantation for the scalp, not everyone would be the right candidate for it. For a successful hair transplantation, it is important that the patient has enough hair on one of the scalp regions which can be transplanted to the receiver site. And now the obvious question is – what if the patient does not have enough hair for transplant? Scalp micropigmentation can solve this problem. This is very similar to a scalp tattoo.

What is scalp micropigmentation?

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses the technique of micropigmentation by which natural pigments are applied on the outer layers of the scalp. This gives an illusion of fuller hair for thinning regions of the scalp and a neatly done hair cut for those with baldness. The doctor would apply a numbing agent to the scalp and a hand held tool with sterile needle is used to pigment the skin on the scalp. The procedure will take anywhere between 2 to 4 hours for each session depending on how much area has to be covered. This can be done as an out-patient treatment and no downtime is required after the session. On an average, patients might need between 2 to 4 sessions of SMP for complete results. There will be slight redness on the scalp for close to 3 to 4 days which will then subside on its own. In a week’s time, the patient will be ready to get back to his/her routine activities with no extra attention needed to the treated region.

Benefits of scalp micropigmentation

There are a lot of advantages of the scalp micropigmentation procedure, some of them are

  • It is non-surgical and hence a lot of risk and complications such as infection, excessive bleeding, bruising and scarring is eliminated
  • It offers very minimal hospital stay, downtime and recovery period
  • It is quite affordable when compared to a hair transplant procedure
  • The results can be as good as what one desires to have
  • Boost in self-confidence with minimal investment of time and money

Scalp micropigmentation post-procedural care

  • Avoid touching, scratching or rubbing the scalp immediately after treatment
  • Avoid using scalp products until complete recovery
  • Avoid swimming or steam-bath since you are required to keep the scalp clean and dry
  • Avoid exercise that causes excessive sweating
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight
  • Ensure appropriate care to ensure there is no chance of infection
  • Avoid shaving of the head until complete recovery

Scalp micropigmentation procedures are commonly performed across the globe and has a high success rate of 100%. It is a safe procedure that guarantees visible and long-lasting results. However, it is a complex and delicate procedure that needs good care, skill and expertise. It is important to choose a board-certified who specializes in the procedure for ensuring good results. One must make sure that the doctor or cosmetologist has good experience with the procedure. Scalp micropigmentation side effects that can occur if done by a poorly trained professional include lymph node swelling, allergies, infection, itchy scalp and too large pigments.

Scalp micropigmentation before and after

scalp micropigmentation

Scalp micropigmentation cost in India

Scalp micropigmentation can cost anywhere between INR 15k to one lakh in India for a single session. The cost of the treatment will depend on whether a manual or electric needling device is used, the area of hair thinning or baldness, kind of results needed – whether a shaved head appearance or a scalp fullness. It might also have other factors such as the presence of a keloid scar or scarring from previous procedures such as hair transplant and others. Scalp micropigmentation clinics are widely popular in the country today and many are choosing this procedure over hair transplant procedures. In Chennai, there are specialized hair clinics that enable a scalp micropigmentation procedure. High-end technology, safety precautions and expert doctors are easily available in the city. Scalp micropigmentation can be the best hair loss solution not just for men but women as well.


Scalp micropigmentation is a revolutionary technique that has shown stunning results by creating an illusion of hair follicles on the scalp. When concealers such as wigs or bio fibers are temporary, SMP acts as the long-lasting concealer for thinning hair. Many patients vouch for scalp micropigmentation as the miracle solution for hair loss.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Who can benefit from scalp micropigmentation?

People with hair loss conditions such as alopecia, diffuse thinning, male and female pattern baldness, hair loss due to medications and chemotherapy are all good candidates for a scalp micropigmentation procedure.

  1. Does scalp micropigmentation affect hair growth?

There is no harm or damage caused due to scalp micropigmentation and it does not affect hair growth. Scalp micropigmentation has no impact with hair follicles and hence a region with good hair follicles might have hair growth.

  1. Does SMP promote hair growth?

The truth is that scalp micropigmentation can in fact promote hair regrowth. Since this procedure involves poking or needling the skin lightly, it can actually boost collagen and elastin and help with hair growth. There will be better blood flow to the region and hence there are chances of promoting hair growth.

  1. Is micropigmentation a tattoo?

A tattoo is quite different from micropigmentation. A tattoo uses non-organic ink and can be harmful to the skin. While in SMP, the ink used is organic and chosen to compliment the colour of the scalp. Is it effectively tried and tested to suit the patient and there is only a very rare chance of infection from the ink.

The needle used for a tattoo is very big and penetrates deeper into the skin to create the required design. However, the needle used for SMP is a microneedle which is 75% smaller in size when compared to a traditional tattoo needle. The depth of insertion of the needle varies from 0.3 to 1 mm to inject the pigments. Also, SMP is not as painful as the traditional tattoo technique. The expertise of the doctor or cosmetologist who performs SMP cannot be compared with a tattoo artist. The SMP technique is learnt with years of training and assisting many sessions.  

  1. Can scalp micropigmentation be removed?

The answer is yes. Scalp micropigmentation can be removed with a laser tattoo removal session. If the area covered with SMP is small, the pigments can be removed in just a single session.

  1. How long does scalp micropigmentation take to heal?

Patients would have recovered completely from a SMP procedure in a period of 2 weeks and most patients recover in 7 to 10 days. It is important to take all the required post procedural care for 2 weeks to ensure that the recovery is complete.

  1. How long does scalp micropigmentation last?

The results of a scalp micropigmentation can last for 4 to 6 years. After this period, the pigments might lighten up and will need a touch-up session. However, if an individual has a large area to be covered or to enhance the results, multiple sessions would be needed in the beginning.

  1. Can I work out after scalp micropigmentation?

It is important to prevent excessive sweating during the recovery period. After a period of 14 days, patients can begin to work out regularly.

  1. Will minoxidil fade SMP?

Minoxidil which is a solution used to treat hair loss, should not be used for 2 weeks following the scalp micropigmentation procedure. Any topical medications or lotions applied immediately after SMP can fade the pigments and diminish the results. One must consult with the doctor to understand if you could continue using minoxidil after SMP.

  1. When can I wash my hair after scalp micropigmentation?

Following a SMP procedure, individuals must stay away from touching their hair for the first 4 days. After this, one can wash the hair with warm water and shampoo. It is very important to keep the scalp dry immediately after the treatment. This will enable the pigments to settle, prevent any infection and for the micro wounds to heal completely.

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