What is decrease in hair density?
Many people face the issue of hair loss at a specific age due to several reasons. Some of these common reasons are improper hair care routine, stress, and hormonal changes among others. However, if there is excessive hair loss causing low density hair, then you need to identify the cause and rectify the issue.
Wondering what is hair density? Well, the thickness of the hair is the quantity of individual hair strands in each square inch of your scalp. While the standard hair density is 2,000 strands of hair on each square inch of your scalp, around 50 to 100 hairs shed every day.
What are the symptoms of decrease in hair density?
If you are struggling with decreased hair density, then you may experience any of these symptoms below.
What are the causes of decrease in hair density?
The causes of decrease in hair density are detailed below.
What are the treatment options for decrease in hair density?
If you are looking for tips on how to increase hair density, then you can check out the treatment options below.
Oral and Topical Medications: For low hair density, the oral and topical medications are directed at retarding or stimulating hair follicle activity. Usually, these stimulants increase the nutrient supply to the hair follicles. On the other hand, the agents that retard hair growth will act to prolong the anagen, which is the growing stage in the hair cycle. Generally, oral medications affect hair on the scalp and will not have any impact on the hair on other body parts. However, topical medications will have an effect on both scalp as well as body hair.
Intralesional/Meso Injections: This is an effective treatment to stimulate hair regrowth in both men and women affected with diffuse thinning. This treatment involves injecting anti-inflammatory or stimulating agents into the area of the scalt that is affected by diffuse thinning. Usually, intralesional injections will be combined with PRP for more effective hair growth. The commonly known benefits of this treatment option include the ability to treat diffuse thinning in both men and women, stimulated growth of hair on the scalp, visible hair growth in a few sessions, safe with low risk of complications and a convenient treatment method.