A receding hair line maybe mistakenly thought of as a condition prevalent in men. However, it effects women equally. Although a receding hair line usually occurs with age, these days even youngsters too are facing the issue of falling hair and a receding hair line.
In some cases, the start of a receding hair line men experience is an indication of male pattern baldness. Further, there is no singular pattern of baldness that can be guaranteed other than the obvious hair loss or medically known as Alopecia.
Among women, receding hair line women is a result of thinning hair. A definite way to spot a receding hair line is to observe the area above your temples since it is the region from where hair begins receding.
Symptoms of a receding Hair Line
A receding hair line typically begins to display itself after puberty or in the mid-30's in men. The common symptoms of a receding hair line are as follows.
The receding of hair begins from above the temples, moving across the head from the top. At the end, you’re left with a bald circular region above your head with hair growing in a ring from around the central bald area.
Other times, a receding hair line tends to remain intact in the center of your head, but starts receding towards the sides, forming a V-shape, commonly known as the Widow’s Peak.
In women, hair thinning occurs with further hair loss concentrated in the sides and along the parting they usually sport.
What Are The Causes Of A Receding Hair Line?
Hair line receding can be characteristic of old age but there are various other factors responsible for the same.
Family medical history plays a crucial part in determining which recessive traits become active in which generation. Receding hair line condition is one such hereditary trait that exemplifies with age in men and women to different degrees.
Men with a family history are more likely to experience this condition since their hair follicles become too sensitive owing to the presence of specific male hormones. Hormonal changes in women are the primary cause for hair line receding, although the exact manifestation pattern is challenging to diagnose.
Also known as Male or Female pattern baldness, this medical condition involves permanent hair loss that eventually leads to baldness. The patterns in which the hair line recedes and hair falls is typically differential to males and females, caused by genetic reasons.
In males, a receding hair line begins from the top of the head and results in a bald patch in the center with hair remaining as a ring around the sides. A receding hair line from the front results in a definite M-shape.
In women, thinning of the hair all over the head is more characteristic than a receding hair line. Very rarely does baldness occur in women with this condition.
A genetic disease characterized by hair loss, frontal fibrosing alopecia involves hair loss from the hair line region leaving a mild scarring near the forehead. The exact cause is not yet clear, though studies suggest hormonal changes and autoimmune reactions as the primary source.
Often, when frontal fibrosing alopecia condition worsens, people can experience hair loss even in the eyebrows and eyelashes, extending beyond the face and scalp. In other cases, frontal fibrosing alopecia results in female pattern hair loss or a receding hair line characterized by thinning hair and associated hair fall.
What Are The Treatment Options For Receding Hair Line?
If you are worried about how to stop receding hair line, here are a few treatments to consider.
The most commonly prescribed cum over-the-counter-medication given for a receding hair line is Minidoxil, an effective variant of Rogaine. According to multiple studies, even as an off-label medication, Minidoxil acts efficiently than most other placebos.
Other herbal topical preparations involve using Chinese hibiscus, aloe vera, ginseng, gooseberry, and more, that have a beneficial effect on controlling hair loss and promoting hair growth.
Oral medications like Finasteride promotes hair growth by reducing hair fall, primarily targeting the hormone levels that cause the hair line to recede.