Malpositioned navel
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Malpositioned navel

Navel displacement also referred to as the malpositioned navel, is a condition where the navel is not in its natural position. The navel may be displaced to the side, upward, or downward. In some cases, the navel may even be rotated. The displaced navel is usually harmless if it does not cause any pain or discomfort. However, it can sometimes lead to skin irritation, infections, and other medical conditions.

The malpositioned navel is a common condition that affects both children and adults, though it is more common among women than men. It has chances to result in excessive bleeding and menstrual pain. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor.



Symptoms of malpositioned navel

Some of the common signs of navel displacement are as follows:

  • The navel seems to be pointing towards the side or front instead of being centered at the belly button
  • There is a visible bulge on one side of the navel
  • The navel is sunken in or appears to be pulled inside
  • The navel is displaced towards the spine
  • There is an abnormal cleavage between the rectus abdominis muscle
  • The navel is raised above the surrounding skin
  • The navel is surrounded by a hard lump
  • There is discharge or bleeding from the navel

Causes of malpositioned navel

There are several different factors that can contribute to a malpositioned navel or shifted belly button. In some cases, it may be due to the way the baby is positioned in the womb. If the baby is lying on their back with their legs up near their chest, this can cause the navel to become displaced.

Another common cause of malpositioned navel is due to the way the umbilical cord is attached to the baby. If the cord is attached to the baby's side or back, this can cause the navel to become displaced.

In some cases, a malpositioned navel may be due to a birth defect. One common birth defect that can cause this is gastroschisis, which is a condition where the intestines are abnormally positioned outside of the body.

Post-surgery, patients may also experience a malpositioned navel. This can be due to the way the surgery was performed or due to scar tissue that forms around the navel.

What are the treatment options for malpositioned navel?

Malpositioned navel can often be diagnosed based on a physical examination. In some cases, imaging tests may be ordered to rule out other conditions.

Treatment for malpositioned navel will vary depending on the underlying cause. If the condition is due to the way the baby is positioned in the womb, there is typically no need for treatment. The navel correction surgery can be performed for cosmetic reasons or to improve the function of the navel.

Navel correction surgery: Navel correction surgery is also known as an umbilicoplasty. This is a surgical procedure that is performed to reposition the navel under local anesthesia. During the procedure, the surgeon will make an incision around the navel. The navel will then be repositioned and sutured into place. In some cases, a small piece of skin may be removed to improve the appearance of the navel.

As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks associated with navel correction surgery. These risks include infection, bleeding, and scarring. The surgeon will typically go over all of the risks and benefits of the procedure with the patient prior to surgery.

After the procedure, the patient will be asked to wear a support garment to help with the healing process. Most patients would be able to return to their normal activities within a week. It is important to avoid strenuous activity for at least six weeks after the surgery. Navel correction surgery is typically a safe and effective procedure.

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