Vaser Liposuction - Chin

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VASER liposuction is one among the high definition techniques of a liposuction procedure that breaks down the unwanted fat cells and loosens them deep from your tissues for a more effective removal of fat during the treatment. If you're wondering what we VASER stands for, it is the acronym for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. This type of technique makes use of ultrasound technology that consists of strong and powerful waves for destroying the bonds between each of the fat cells. VASER liposuction is believed to be a more controlled and a subtle type of cosmetic treatment for fat removal due to its minimally invasive nature. 

You should also keep in mind that VASER Liposuction is not considered as an option for weight loss. Most of the patients who chose to undergo VASER liposuction saw best results within a period of 3-4 months. This treatment is also for people who want to spot reduce any areas of fat accumulation and bring out their muscle tone beneath the skin. 

The VASER high def liposuction procedure makes use of a saline solution which is combined with a tumescent liquid, just like the traditional liposuction procedure. This solution will then be injected into the targeted area of treatment. This process makes use of high frequency ultrasound waves for breaking the fat cells instead of using a manual technique, laser energy or the pressure of water to destroy the bond between the fat cells. VASER ultrasonic probes will be embedded inside the fatty layer of tissue, and then the vibration will begin to loosen the fat cells and mix the tumescent liquid that was previously injected in the area of treatment. As soon as the emulsification process begins, a tiny cannula will be used to eliminate the fat cells and the liquid. 


VASER high def liposuction procedure is an ideal option for the following conditions; 

  • Breasts that are too big 
  • Love handle bulge
  • Waistline reduction
  • Chubby Cheeks
  • Lax Mons pubis
  • Arms that are too flabby
  • Big flanks / excessive flank fat
  • Contour abnormality
  • Enlarged buttocks
  • Cellulite
  • Creation of biceps 
  • Excessive outer thigh fat
  • Excessive inner thigh fat
  • Excessive knee fat
  • Uneven contour
  • Large calves
  • Asymmetrical calves
  • Obesity, Overweight, excessive weight gain, Localised accumulation of Fat

VASER high def liposuction procedure is usually carried out only for cosmetic reasons, however, at times, they are also used to treat certain conditions like;

  • Excess fluid collection in parts of the body - called lymphedema
  • Fat accumulation on a man’s breast - called gynecomastia
  • Fat accumulation in one part of the body, whereas lost in another - called lipodystrophy syndrome
  • Extreme weight loss after obesity
  • Benign and fatty tumours - called lipomas
