If you’re interested in accessing dependable hair removal via laser therapy, you’ll benefit from learning about the usage of combination lasers. These days, a variety of lasers are utilized for this purpose and laser hair removal technicians may use more than one laser in order to remove hair and inhibit its regrowth.
The number of lasers selected will vary based on certain factors, such as the hair and skin color of the patient, which part of the body is being worked on and which lasers are currently available at a specific laser hair removal clinic.
The best way to educate you is to define each type of laser. Then, you’ll know about the different laser types (if a technician does recommend combination laser therapy).
This type of laser is for those with skin types 1, 2 and 3 – however, it may be used for other skin types as well. Skin types are determined based on the Fitzpatrick Skin Type guide. This laser comes with a longer wavelength and it’s able to provide superior results for those with dark skin.
This laser features a crystal which is utilized as the laser medium and the crystal is classified as neodymium doped yttrium aluminum garnet. This is a long-pulse laser and it’s safe for every skin type. It even works on tanned complexions, whereas some lasers don’t work too well on people with tans. This laser is a good choice for larger surface areas. However, it may cause more discomfort than comparable lasers. It will work well on those who have fairer, finer hair.
The Alexandrite laser is best for those with fairer skin tones, including people with Skin Type I. The laser has a great level of penetration and it helps to remove fine, thin hair which other lasers might miss. However, this style of laser may cause alterations in skin pigment, which may include darkening of the complexion or lightening of the complexion. This laser gives faster results than other lasers on our list.
Now that you know the three lasers which are used in combination laser therapy, you’ve gained a deeper understanding of what each laser is, as well as its pros and cons. If you need more information, book a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon today. Look for a technician with the right training and lots of positive reviews from customers.