How Long Does Body Sculpting Results Last?

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2023-12-05 05:30 AM | By Tamira scientific Committee
Cosmetic Surgery
A woman undergoing body contouring procedure

Body sculpting is a broad term and is often interchanged with body contouring. Technically, this is nothing but a range of treatments (both surgical and non-surgical) that help alter your body contours, skin laxity, curvatures, bulges, etc. 


When we talk about the results of body sculpting, there is not a single answer for sure. Because, as you all know, it depends on the procedure, the invasiveness, the number of sessions if applicable, and, most importantly, the maintenance the candidate does after the procedure. Thus, in this blog post, we, at TamiraLife, have tried the major body contouring procedures and their respective effectiveness in terms of years.


Body Contouring Treatments and Their Major Types

  1. Surgical or less invasive body contouring

    1. Liposuction

    2. Abdominoplasty (Tummy tucking)

  2. Non-surgical or non invasive body contouring

    1. Cool Sculpting

    2. EmSculpt NEO


To explore more about contouring and other aesthetic treatments, click here! 


Body Contouring Results for These Procedures

  1. Liposuction 

This procedure targets and removes the subcutaneous fat cells with the help of a laser, ultrasound, or power. The results can last forever if the candidate can maintain a healthy weight, diet, and lifestyle. 


  1. Tummy Tucking

This contouring procedure tightens the skin in and around your tummy, i.e., abdomen regions. The results are permanent and you can get the perfect tummy shape you wanted after losing weight or post-pregnancy.  


  1. Cool Sculpting

It is the most preferred non-invasive skin tightening procedure! Like liposuction, the results could last lifelong if the body does not accumulate fat repeatedly. However, if it accumulates, the candidate ought to repeat the procedure.  


  1. EmSculpt NEO

This is another famous non-invasive procedure that removes fat and improves muscle fibers. This alters your body contours and the results can last for up to 6–8 months.  


Watch the video to know more about cool sculpting.


So far, we have seen how the duration of results varies for various types of body contouring techniques. But don’t you think we’re missing an important group of factors that play a huge role in determining whether the results are long-lasting or not? Yes, it is none other than the healthcare center and the facilities. 


Other Important Factors That Determine the Results of Body Sculpting Procedures


  1. Which aesthetician or plastic surgeon performs your body contouring surgery?

  2. How advanced are the tools, equipment, and technologies?

  3. What are the facilities and amenities at the surgical center?

  4. How experienced are the healthcare center's surgeons, nurses, and supporting staff?

  5. What is the quality of the body contouring sessions?


Well, research the answers to these questions before you book an appointment for your body contouring surgery! By now, we’re sure you might have obtained the answers to the question, ‘How Long Does Body Sculpting Results Last?’ 



Through this post, we hope you’ve learned, 'What does body sculpting mean?', ‘What are its types?’, ‘What are the factors involved in deciding your body contouring results?’ and ‘How long can the results last for the major types of body sculpting treatments?’. 

Still, if you have doubts regarding what to choose between liposuction and cool sculpting, when to undergo the procedure, etc., reach out to the expert doctors at TamiraLife. They excel at offering personalized body contouring treatment plans to candidates approaching them!

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