What are the disadvantages of tummy tuck?

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2024-01-30 05:30 AM | By Tamira scientific Committee
Tummy Tuck
tummy tuck

Tummy tucking, or abdominoplasty, is a major surgical procedure to remove excess fat, eliminate sagging skin, and tighten the abdominal muscles. Though it combines two important procedures, such as the removal of fat and the tightening of the skin, it involves less invasion as the healthcare facilities in today’s age are well sophisticated. 

Well, the doctors usually talk more about the advantages and talk less or fail to explain things about the side effects, the disadvantages, etc. Thus, as a leading and responsible aesthetic healthcare center, Tamira wants to open up about the major disadvantages associated with tummy tucking. And before we directly step into ‘what are the disadvantages of tummy tuck’, let’s also touch on who the beneficiaries are and what the advantages of tummy tucking are.

Beneficiaries of abdominoplasty

This surgery is useful to both men and women in various situations. In general, individuals who have recently lost 20–30 kg prefer this surgery to tighten their loose skin. Particularly, women who have had multiple pregnancies can make the best use of this tummy tuck procedure to reduce their pregnancy pouch. Nevertheless, anyone who’s looking for a flat, aesthetically appealing abdomen can go for it.

Benefits of tummy tuck surgery

  • Individuals undergoing the surgery can enjoy a flat tummy and desired belly shape.

  • Self-confidence is increased with better postures

  • Ladies can get rid of the pregnancy stretch marks and pouches. 

  • People with a protruding belly can start feeling their skinny tummy. 

  • Ultimately, individuals can wear the clothing they like and flaunt slim waistlines.

Disadvantages of tummy tuck

  1. A tummy tuck is a major surgery that combines two or more procedures, resulting in a longer downtime. The patients may have to stay away from strenuous activities for at least six to eight weeks. Besides, the average recovery period extends up to 12 weeks. Thus, this surgery is not suitable for highly busy professionals or business people. Because 

  2. Most medical insurance does not cover this surgery. The patients have to pay from their pockets for the tummy tuck cost.

  3. There are some common side effects like other cosmetic surgeries—slight pain, numbness, bruising, or swelling. 

  4. Though it is a less invasive surgery, scarring is indispensable. It may be apparent immediately after the procedure. However, the blemishes will dissipate naturally over the years. 

  5. The results of tummy tuck are vulnerable and depend on the patient’s lifestyle post-surgery. When the patient follows aftercare instructions, ensures a healthy diet, and changes unhealthy lifestyle practices, he or she can embrace a flat abdomen for a long period. Alternatively, if the patient gains more weight or conceives again, the results are temporary.

  6. When the surgeon fails to follow the surgical best practices, there is a high possibility of allergic reaction or infection occurrence. This needs immediate resolution from any other expert doctor or surgeon.

  7. Not all tummy tuck surgeries will end up with favorable results. Sometimes, unsatisfactory results occur due to various factors. In that case, secondary surgery may be required to completely satisfy the patient. 

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons lists a lot more side effects like bleeding, seroma, thrombosis, etc. Explore them here!  

Important to note: This procedure is not suitable for those looking to lose weight or who have weight loss as their goal. Certainly, this is not a disadvantage but rather a misconception that most people have about tummy tuck surgery. 

The best tummy tuck surgeon in India!

Dr. Jayanthy Ravindran is the founder, CEO, and senior plastic surgeon at TamiraLife. She has more than fifteen years of experience in the aesthetic field. She has performed thousands of tummy tucks at the TamiraLife healthcare center in Chennai, India. So, if you want to keep yourself in safe hands for a successful tummy tuck surgery, immediately book an appointment with Tamira today.

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