Unexplained hair loss and hair thinning are common hair-related problems. Around 85% of men in India experience some form of male pattern baldness. 40% of women in the country too, experience hair loss. In general, men and women tend to lose close to 50 to 100 strands of hair daily. Losing more than 200 to 700 strands of hair daily can be classified as hair loss. Chunks of hair falling off can be scary for many. There are plenty of reasons why people lose hair and it is extremely important to identify the cause. Some common hair loss problems or disorders include male and female pattern baldness, alopecia, telogen effluvium, anagen effluvium, postpartum hair loss and others. While a few of these conditions are temporary and hair would grow back with time, others need timely treatment.
Hair transplant techniques have come a long way in offering quality results. Today, hair transplant is done with minimal discomfort to patients while giving them the chance to get back natural hair. Let’s take a deep dive into the topic of hair transplant and see how it has evolved. India is one among the leading nations around the world to offer the best hair transplant and the required skills for the treatment. One can be assured of quality treatment and great results.
Hair transplantation is the procedure of transplanting hair follicles from a donor site to the recipient site. Hair follicles are usually taken from regions such as the chest, arms, legs and more. Healthy hair follicles are grafted on the scalp using various techniques such as PRP, FUE or FUT hair transplantation. In a period of about 6 months, patients would be able to see results of the procedure. Hair would grow on the new recipient site just like how natural hair would. This technique results in an even and natural look that will look and feel just like the rest of the head. This technique is widely used for conditions such as male pattern baldness. The patches of hair lost can be treated in this manner and a long-term result is obtained. The new hair that grows would gel well with the existing hair giving a clean appearance.
It is obvious to wonder if hair transplant is permanent. Yes, hair transplantation offers long lasting results that could stay for a lifetime. The hair follicles that are grafted behave just like the normal hair and grow well. However, if the scalp is not healthy enough, there can be rejection of more hair follicles and the procedure might have to be repeated for great results. Only 5% of cases of hair transplant would require further treatment due to the transplanted hair follicles not showing results.
There are three common procedures followed for hair transplantation, which are:
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) – In this procedure, a micro punch tool is used by the surgeon to remove hair follicles from the donor site and transplant it into the scalp.
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) – This involves removing a strip of hair from the patient’s scalp and transplanting it to the bald patches.
DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) – In this technique, extracting and transplanting the hair can be done together using a pen-shaped tool called the DHI Choi Pen.
The FUE hair transplant is the most commonly performed technique. DHI is an advanced form of FUE that gives better density and faster recovery. However, FUE is preferred for hair transplant that requires to cover a larger area of the scalp.
Synthetic hair transplant or implantation is done by implanting artificial fiber. The results of this procedure would last from 2 to 5 years but requires more maintenance and repeat sessions.
Although hair transplantation is a safe procedure, there could be rare cases of risk or complications. Some of the side effects of a hair transplantation include:
The results of a hair transplant procedure are satisfactory and life-changing for the patients. Most people with patches of hair loss face concerns with socializing. Hair transplant procedures give them the much needed confidence in themselves.
The get the complete results of a hair transplant treatment it would take 4 to 6 months. Patience is key when it comes to this treatment. Immediately after the procedure patients would experience slight discomfort with pain and swelling. These subside on its own with proper rest and medication. In the first 4 to 6 weeks, the transplanted hair would undergo a process called shedding. In a period of 4 to 6 months, patients can get good results with about 50% of the transplanted hair showing good hair growth. In one year’s time, most of the transplanted hair grow back giving a full, natural and complete look.
The cost of hair transplantation depends upon the number of grafts needed for the transplant. If the patient requires more number of hair grafts to cover up large patches, the cost of the transplant would be higher. In India, for 2500 to 8300 grafts, the cost would be INR 65 to 90 thousand. For 5000 graft hair transplant in India, the cost would be INR 1 to 1.5 lakhs. Hair transplant in Chennai is in high demand since it is one of the growing destination for hair transplant in the country.
After a hair transplant procedure, the new hair follicles that are grafted will take a period of 6 months for complete healing. Once it has been completely healed, the transplanted hair would behave just like your natural hair. Hair would grow to fill the bald patches on your head. The results tend to last over a decade. However, the transplanted hair would undergo aging just like natural hair and have thinning and hair loss.
The success rate of hair transplantation is high with about 85 to 95 percent hair follicles growing in the transplanted region. Only about less than 5% of hair follicles fail to grow. The procedure is done using great precision and care from the cosmetologist ensuring more than 90% of the follicles grow, giving you the natural looking hair.
Yes, hair transplantation does work and is considered the longest lasting and successful procedure. After a hair transplant procedure such as FUE or FUT is done, the results would be visible from 6 months’ post procedure. The transplanted hair behaves just like the natural hair and goes through the lifecycle that the person’s hair would undergo.
Hair transplantation is a safe procedure with very rare cases of complications or risks. Since the hair taken from the donor site is that of the patient’s itself, there is very little chance of rejection. It is extremely important for patients to reveal all of their health problems to the doctor in order to assess risk factors.
When done by an experienced cosmetologist who has specialized training in hair transplantation, the results tend to last for a lifetime. However, the transplanted hair would still undergo natural thinning which may diminish the results over a few years.
Hair transplant can give best results in patients above 30-35 years of age, since that is when most signs of balding show up. Although hair transplant does not require the patient to be of a certain age, it will be best to avoid the procedure in patients above 60 years with any pre-existing health problems.
There is a guaranteed 85% success rate of the transplanted hair follicles to grow healthy hair.
The cost of hair transplantation depends on the number of grafts that are required to be transplanted. The procedure would cost INR 65,000 to one lakh for the transplant.
Transplanted hair would behave just like the normal age and would go through the process of aging and thinning. Thinning inevitably happens and hence the results of a transplant would eventually become lesser.
Onion and onion juice has been known to give good results for hair regrowth. The rich sulfur content in onion and its ability to boost the production of catalase (antioxidant enzyme) helps with hair regrowth. Nearly 80% of individuals who have tried onion have got considerable hair regrowth in 6 to 8 weeks’ time.
Hair can grow faster with a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals and regular hair care can give good results. Some measure to grow hair faster include:
Rice water is known to be used since ancient days for hair care. Vitamin B, E, C and amino acids present in the rice water help in hair growth. The results of using rice water regularly include – shiny, smooth and voluminous hair.
Many natural products can be used to thicken the hair such as eggs, olive oil, castor oil, regular exercise, balanced and nutritious diet.
Coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil, almond oil and tea tree oil are some of the most easily available and great oils for hair growth. Regular massage with these o the scalp can increase blood circulation and better hair growth.