What to Expect after a Hair Transplant Surgery?

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2023-03-04 05:30 AM | By Tamira Scientific Committee
Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplants are a commonly performed cosmetic procedure to restore lost hair. With a success rate of 85 to 95%, this is the most preferred choice of treatment for individuals with thinning hair and male or female pattern baldness. Hair transplant not only ensures hair growth but it also improves the overall appearance of the individual. There is indeed a great positive difference to the emotional wellbeing and confidence that this brings to the individual. However, there might be a lot of questions about hair transplant that one would have. Questions such as – ‘what to expect after a hair transplant?’, ‘Will the results be immediate?’, ‘How long would it take for the complete results to show up?’, ‘Should hair transplant be repeated?’ and many more. Read ahead to know exactly what to expect after a hair transplant surgery.

A quick look at what is hair transplant surgery

Hair transplant surgery is a cosmetic procedure that takes hair follicles from the donor site (usually the hair on the back of the head) and places them on the recipient site by making small incisions to insert these hair follicles. This is usually done using a pen like device or done by the surgeon manually. The type of hair transplant technique depends on the hair transplant procedure chosen. The most commonly performed procedures include FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation, FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction and DHI or Direct Hair implantation.

FUT hair transplant surgery– A strip of hair is removed from a region on the scalp and transplanted to the recipient site.

FUE hair transplant surgery – Individual hair follicles are removed and transplanted to the region of the baldness.

DHI hair transplant surgery – Hair follicles are removed with the help of a Choi pen and implanted into the recipient region at the same time. This procedure is an advanced form of FUE hair transplant.

Hair transplant without surgery – The most common procedure of non-surgical hair transplant is PRP or Platelet-rich Plasma. This therapy uses the person’s own blood to promote the growth of new hair. The plasma is separated by a process of centrifugation and injected in the regions of the scalp.

What to expect from a hair transplant procedure?

The results and side-effects of a hair transplant procedure would depend upon the type of procedure opted. It is prevalent that the patients might experience slight discomfort, swelling and pain immediately after treatment, which often subside on its own. Below is the common outcome from each type of hair transplant treatment.

FUT hair transplant

This procedure would leave a scar at the back of the head from where the strip of hair is removed. Though the scar would heal over time but the scarring can be permanent. It is often hidden by the hair and hence not visible easily. However, if there was a need for more hair follicles, the scar would increase accordingly.

The FUE and DHI hair transplant procedures helps fix this problem of scarring since individual hair follicles are removed. Also the healing and recovery time is faster with these procedures. Also, there is a possibility of using hair from other parts of the body for these procedures making it a good option even if the existing hair on the scalp is lesser than needed.

What happens after hair transplant surgery?

Most individuals would be able to return to work within a few days after the procedure. This would usually take between 7 to 14 days. Patients must take good care for the first 2 weeks to help easy recovery and healing. During the initial weeks of the healing process, the transplanted hair would begin to shed completely. This is referred to as donor hair effluvium or shock hair loss. New hair growth would begin by around 3 to 4 months. However, it might take a period of 8 months for most of the hair to grow back and around a year for the results to be completely visible.

What should I expect after two months of FUE hair transplant surgery?

The first two months after a FUE hair transplant surgery would be a period where the transplanted hair would fall out. This is normal and what is usually expected to happen. Some patients do worry whether the hair would grow back. This hair loss is temporary and a way of encouraging new hair shafts to grow. This new hair growth would happen in the next few months.

How does hair grow after hair transplant surgery?

After the temporary hair loss period, at around 6 months, there is a busting hair growth stage. All the new hair in the transplanted region begin to grow just like how the normal hair on the scalp would. There will be a growth of 1 to 2 centimeter on a monthly basis. Between 9 to 12 months following the procedure, there will be good results and the patients would be able to style and care for their hair just like how they would do with their natural hair.

Which is better, surgical or non-surgical hair transplantation?

The choice between surgical or non-surgical hair transplant must be made depending on the type and extent of hair loss that the individual has. A thorough examination by a doctor can help identify the causes for the person’s hair loss and decide on what type of treatment would be fruitful.

A hair transplant surgery would work well for patients

  • Who have male or female pattern baldness (where the baldness is concentrated at a particular region on the scalp)
  • Who have moved to scale 3 and up as per the Hamilton-Norwood scale (used to measure extent of baldness)
  • Who have had hair loss for quite a few years and their hair loss had followed a pattern
  • Who have lost hair sue to burn

A non-surgical hair transplantation such as PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) therapy can be a good option for individuals who have diffuse thinning that is spread across their scalp. This can be the better option for treating hair thinning and might not work as the option to restore baldness in a particular region. Surgical hair transplant is the better option in that case.

Both surgical or non-surgical hair transplantation have its pros and cons.

  • A surgical treatment might take more time for recovery and healing as compared to non-surgical hair transplant
  • The cost for a non-surgical transplantation would be cheaper
  • Not much pain, swelling and risk of infections when compared to a hair transplant surgery

The right decision can be made by a professional only after assessing the patient’s current hair loss, its causes and best solutions.

Is transplantation of hair permanent?

A hair transplant surgery using the micro-grafting techniques are considered a permanent solution. The results often last for a lifetime and patients can expect to lead a normal life after the procedure. However, like with natural hair, there will be hair thinning just like how the natural hair would thin with age.

On the other hand, non-surgical hair transplantation must have to repeated in intervals to maintain the results.

What should you need to follow after hair transplant surgery?

The cosmetic surgeon would give a brief of the required before and after care required for hair transplant surgery. Patients must ensure that they adhere to post-procedural care for the best results. Some of these are to

  • Avoid touching or rubbing the region where the procedure is performed.
  • Ensure antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medications are taken
  • After 2 to 3 days, the patients can wash the head with a mild shampoo and conditioner
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol or any medications which are not prescribed by the doctor
  • Avoid strenuous activities that make the person sweat (swimming, running and others) for atleast 2 weeks after the procedure
  • Any topical medications suggested by the doctor must be applied regularly or as advised

Some of the important measures to be taken before the treatment are

  • Avoid the usage of steroids, anti-coagulant and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Ensure enough rest and nutritious meals throughout the week
  • Avoid hair styling products and wigs
  • Avoid smoking and the consumption of alcohol
  • Avoid intake of caffeine before the procedure

What are the side-effects of a hair transplant surgery?

Hair transplant surgery is a procedure that requires great skill, precision and expertise. The doctor must be specially trained to do hair transplant procedures and must be board-certified. The results and chance of complications or risks would depend upon the expertise of the doctor.

Some of the side effects of hair transplant surgery includes

  • Swelling
  • Bruising /scarring in the donor and recipient site
  • Pain
  • Infection (usually due to inappropriate care during or after the procedure)
  • Bleeding (small levels of bleeding are inevitable but it could be a bit more for some individuals)
  • Folliculitis, where the hair follicles get inflamed
  • In rare cases, there can be numbness caused by nerve damage and development of keloid scars

Most of these symptoms will go off in a few days and the patient would be able get back to normal routine.

Hair transplant surgery in India

Hair transplant surgery in India is a commonly performed procedure. And it is a matter of fact that India is one among the leading countries in the world to provide hair transplant surgery. Hair transplant surgery cost in India is between INR 40k to INR 1.5 lakhs. The exact cost of a hair transplant procedure depends on the number of hair grafts that are to be transplanted. On an average, it would cost INR 30 and above for transplantation of a single graft (this includes 1 to 3 hair follicles). Ideally, patients would need hair grafts of 1800 and above for hair transplant surgery. FUT treatments might cost lesser than FUE and DHI. Chennai is known for some of the best cosmetic clinics that help with hair transplant surgery. For 1500 grafts of hair, the procedure would cost between INR 45k to 70k in Chennai. Most facilities have the most advanced technology for hair transplant and give high priority for hair transplant results and safety of the patients.

Hair transplant procedures are done without the need for hospitalization. Treatments is often an out-patient procedure that gets completed in a few hours. Patients can go home on the same day itself after thorough observation is completed.

Hair transplant surgery before and after

Hair Transplant Before and after

Hair transplant surgery video

At Tamira, we offer the highest quality of hair transplant results and ensure patients get a good understanding of the procedure. Our patients vouch that they have got results that improved their confidence and happiness.



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